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Wire mesh has the power to work in industrial environments,
aesthetics for developing architectural designs and versatility for performing various functions.
It is October included in signs, balustrade fillings, cabinet inserts,
in plant displays and other applications, this dynamic family of products is suitable for almost any design.
Its lightweight characteristics make it easy to cut and hold according to the size during installation.

Welded Mesh Fence

Areas of use

✓ Poultry Fence
✓ The Machine Park is in Occupational Safety
✓ Insulation Works
✓ Shipbuilding Industry
✓ Fish Farms
✓ Decoration Decoration
✓ Various Industries
✓ It is applied as an anti-cracking material in the construction industry with plaster and flush-mounted.

Welded Mesh Fence
Welded Mesh Fence

Welded Mesh Fence
Welded Mesh Fence

25 years
of experience

It has a production capacity of more than 5,000,000 m2 of panel fence, lawn fence and wire mesh per year with about 90 employees and 2 modern and state-of-the-art production facilities under the ÇağrıTEL ÇİT & CAGRIFENCE brand.
